Grow your business with the Hull Times!

Grow market awareness - Get noticed - Increase sales

The Hull Times has 1,400 paid subscribers by mail and distributes an additional 1,100 papers to newsstands for sale each week. Our readership swells during the summer season to 3,000 weekly, and we have an ever-growing number of online readers. Considering that Hull has about 5,500 households, our strong circulation numbers provide our advertisers with an effective and affordable marketing platform. Some of our advertisers have been with us for more than 40 years! Our advertisers tell us that their ads generate media awareness that translates into sales.

The following information is for placing a display ad in The Hull Times. Call our business office for more details, 781-925-9266. Information on placing a classified ad can be found here.



Open Rate: $14.60 per column inch
Full page: $1,400 10"w x 15.75"h Half page: $700 10"w x 8"h
Quarter page: $350 5"w x 8"h
Eighth Page: $175 5"w x 4"h
Business card: $60 3.25"w x 2"h
Full color: Additional $100

Inserts: $400

***Ad layouts come in many shapes and sizes. Please call for specifics and to also learn about our volume discounts***

Hull Times'

Actual Dimensions

The Hull Times is a six-column tabloid.
A one-column ad is 1.5 inches wide.
A two-column ad is 3.25 inches wide.
A three-column ad is 5 inches wide.
A four-column ad is 6.75 inches wide.
A five-column ad is 8.5 inches wide.
A six-column ad is 10 inches wide.




  • The Hull Times is published each Thursday.

  • Advertising deadline is Tuesday at 5 p.m.

  • All print ads are included in our E-Edition.

  • We accept standard advertising unit (SAU) material at 20% above our regular rates.

  • Guaranteed placement also is 20% above the regular rate and must be reserved in advance.

  • Preprinted inserts are accepted at a charge of $350, with weight and size restrictions. These must be reserved in advance, with delivery at our office one week before insertion.

  • Contact us to learn more about how advertising in the Hull Times can be the right marketing choice to help your business grow.