Supporters have a field day at Special Town Meeting

Putting the question before town meeting voters for a third time proved the charm tonight for supporters of a synthetic field at Hull High School.

At about 10:20 p.m., Moderator John Silva announced the results of a ballot vote on Question 1 of tonight's Special Town Meeting, which was the motion to authorize the bond needed to install a $2.1 million artificial playing surface.

Silva said that 1,204 ballots were cast; a two-thirds majority – 802 – was needed to approve.

Robust applause broke out as he announced 868 votes in favor, 336 opposed.

The meeting was then dissolved.

Voters packed the high school gym and auditorium. Three officials – Town Manager Philip Lemnios, schools Superintendent Michael Devine, and School Committee Chairman Stephanie Peters – spoke in favor of the proposal.

Resident Randall Gould rose to speak in opposition, then abruptly said he would vote in favor of the field before he yielded the floor.

A successful call for the question terminated discussion.

Town meeting did not begin work on the annual town meeting warrant tonight. The meeting resumes at the high school tomorrow night.

(WCVB) Are turf fields safe? Federal Agencies Launch Research Project

The Hull School Committee last week voted to have its consultant, Gales Associates of Weymouth, pursue permitting of a synthetic turf playing field through the Hull Conservation Commission later this month. 
The "carpet" for the Hull High field may be constructed of rubber crumb because it's the most cost-effective alternative, SchoolCom members learned. For full details of the board's deliberations relative to the project, see next week's Hull Times. 

In the meantime, Channel 5 TV posted this link today: Are turf fields safe? Federal agencies launch research project.

The investigation is particularly relevant because school officials will be asked to designate the specific material they want to use for field design at the board's meeting Feb. 22 so that the $1.9 million project can go out to bid.