The efforts of many helped Books in Bloom blossom at the library…

From Betsy Russo

Chair of Books in Bloom, Hull Garden Club

The Hull Garden Club would like to thank Brian DeFelice and the staff of the Hull Public Library for their support during “Books in Bloom.” held recently at the library. The event was a great success, bringing the community together with a taste of spring as floral designs and vignettes filled the rooms of the library. The HGC would like to thank all those who came out to support us.

FLOWERY PROSE. The Hull Garden Club sponsored Books in Bloom at the Hull Public Library last week, an event in which participants created flower arrangements inspired by their favorite books. Shown are Tricia Fleck with her arrangement based on Intermezzo; Peter Seitz, inspired by Inheritance of Scars, the new book by his daughter, Crystal Seitz; Betsy Russo, who discussed her arrangement based on The Women with Cassidy Curran and Kathy Tilden; and Corinne Leung and Elaina Baggett from the Hull Lifesaving Museum with Boston Harbor Islands; Hull Artist Lara Williams with her spot-on painting of the arrangement by Judy Fanuele and Marjorie Finer [not pictured] inspired by The Giving Tree, Anne Finley joins arranger Anne Walsh for tea at her charming set up based on the book County Tea Parties. Arrangements on display included Lynne Furze’s West with Giraffes; Cathy Jacques’ Big Bad Bunny; Diane Aroyan’s Guess How Much I Love You; Belong by the Hull Council on Aging staff and volunteers; Diane Norton’s Peach Tea Smash; Someone Else’s Shoes by the Formidable Female Book Club [Helen Gould, Meryl Johnson, Elizabeth Fish, and Mary Jo Fleming]; and The Christmas Owl by Kim Cerny. [Skip Tull photos]

Along with the HGC, Seaside Floral Design, Nantasket Sweets by Swedes, Alchemy Wellness and Hair Restoration, Hull Lifesaving Museum, Hull Council on Aging, and various town book clubs participated.

A special shoutout to Peter Seitz (Hull TV), and Bob Cleary for their beautiful floral arrangements.

The Friends of the Hull Public Library provided snacks and entertainment. The Hull Artists added to the mix with their wonderful displays.

Together, we had fun creating something special to be shared with the community.

This program received a grant from the Hull Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

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