Community members 'feast' on conversations at No Place For Hate's annual event
/The No Place for Hate Committee’s Feast of Conversations brought together about 75 people on Sunday afternoon to talk about community, diversity, dignity, and identity in Hull. In the top photo, Celia Nolan leads a group exercise, while Pam Wolfe [middle] facilitates a tabletop workshop. Participants exchanged their ideas in large and small groupings throughout the event, which was held at the Nantasket Beach Resort. [Skip Tull photos]

The No Place for Hate Committee’s annual Feast of Conversations brought together about 75 people on Sunday afternoon to talk about community, diversity, dignity, and identity in Hull. Celia Nolan led a group exercise, while Pam Wolfe facilitated a tabletop workshop. Participants exchanged their ideas in large and small groupings throughout the event, which was held at the Nantasket Beach Resort. Taking a momentary break from one discussion period were the group comprised of Bette, Paul, Nancy, Kathy, Jane Joel, Corvid, and Melany. [Skip Tull photos]