Board to interview law firms to replace Lampke as town counsel

By Carol Britton Meyer 

The select board has “a busy few weeks coming up,” Town Manager Jennifer Constable reported during this week’s meeting.

Interviews for a new town counsel to replace recently-retired James Lampke are scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, beginning at 6 p.m.


By that time, a screening committee consisting of Constable and other town staff will have recommended two finalists from among four firms that have submitted applications.

Whether the chosen firm will serve jointly as general town counsel and land-use counsel has yet to be determined, “depending on their capacity,” she said.

Prior to the interviews, Climate Adaptation and Conservation Director Chris Krahforst will present an update on the town’s municipal vulnerability preparedness plan. The presentation begins at 5:30 p.m.

This meeting will be open to the public.

In other business at the meeting

• Anyone interested in serving on the council on aging – or who knows of someone who might be interested in filling one of the nine vacancies – is encouraged to send a letter of interest to Town Clerk Lori West. “The applicant pool is very slow,” Constable said. “We’ve done extra outreach looking for applicants.” A number of members resigned, and a couple are seasonal residents.

• New Hull resident Paul Wilson was appointed to serve a three-year term on the conservation commission. He previously worked at Clean Harbors as a chemist on environmental projects and with the Department of Environmental Protection. He applied out of an interest in “helping out the town.”

• Mary Harrington, a full-time resident since 2018, was appointed to a three-year term on the historical commission. “I’m passionate about preserving our historical assets and would like to make a contribution to the community,” she said.

• Select Board member Jason McCann was named the board’s designee to the capital outlay committee that was reestablished at this year’s town meeting for a one-year term.

• Two applicants submitted a Request for Information related to the town’s two available retail recreational marijuana licenses and will be on the board’s agenda for Host Community Agreement consideration in October.

• Chair Irwin Nesoff commended the affordable housing committee for its efforts in identifying a town-owned parcel as the site for one affordable unit, and for its work on an affordable housing trust proposal. “It’s very exciting,” he said.

• Constable reported that the town’s television contract with Verizon will be on the board’s September 18 agenda, as will a presentation on the integrated select board/town staff goals and objectives for the current fiscal year.

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