Interviews with law firms to serve as town counsel rescheduled for September 18
/By Carol Britton Meyer
The interviews for a new town counsel planned for the Tuesday, September 10, select board meeting were postponed due to a scheduling conflict. The chosen firm will replace the services formerly provided by recently retired James Lampke.
former town counsel james lampke, who retired this year after 40+ years in the position.
The new date for interviews is Wednesday, September 18, starting at 5:30 p.m., followed by the regular select board meeting.
A screening committee consisting of Town Manager Jennifer Constable and other town staff recently recommended two finalists from among four firms that submitted applications – KP Law, P.C. and Mead, Talerman & Costa, LLC.
“We looked at their price proposals and technical submissions and focused on who their lead and backup attorneys would be,” she said.
Whether the chosen finalist will serve the town as both general town counsel and land use counsel has yet to be determined, depending on the firms’ capacity.
KP Law represents more than one-third of the cities and towns in the Commonwealth as city solicitor or town counsel, and provides special counsel services. These include serving as labor and employment counsel to cities and towns, housing authorities, municipal light plants, regional transit authorities, and state agencies. The firm’s practice areas includes labor and employment, contracts, real estate, land use, environmental, town meeting, government information and access, procurement, and construction.
Mead, Talerman & Costa has expertise in general municipal law, land use and zoning law, energy and environmental law, labor law, and residential and commercial real estate law, and serves as town counsel in dozens of Massachusetts communities, as well as special municipal counsel to others.
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