Pemberton parking area reopens during pause in sewer pump station work

The town-owned parking lot at Pemberton has reopened after being temporarily closed during the reconstruction of the sewer pumping station across from the high school.

Access and parking will be available for the remainder of the summer, when additional site work is planned. In September, excavation and installation of pilings will take place, and there may be temporary restrictions while the site is prepared in the coming months.

Once construction resumes, sections of the parking lot will be used for staging the new pump station. During construction, signage will direct drivers to parking and access points, including additional parking near the Lifesaving Museum Boathouse. Portions of the sidewalk along the parking lot also may be affected.

This project is expected to take 18 months and will involve work within the footprint of Main Street. Hours of work are generally 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; delays should be expected.

The project is being funded in part by a $2 million federal grant. For more information, contact the Hull Sewer Department, 781-925-1207 or

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