Community Preservation grant application deadline is Sept. 28

The Community Preservation Committee is now accepting new applications for grants through Hull’s Community Preservation Act funds. Grants can be used for historic restoration, open space, recreation and community housing projects. The grants receive final approval at annual town meeting in May, but CPC board members will begin to review the new applications this fall.

The application process has two mandatory steps:

Step 1: Preliminary application for project eligibility; deadline is Sept. 28. Complete the preliminary application and submit as soon as you know of a worthy project. A CPC member will contact you to confirm that your project falls within the boundaries of eligibility. If the preliminary CPA application is eligible, you will proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Final CPA application deadline is Oct. 31. The final application is a more detailed application, a CPC member will be assigned to your application to assist you as you complete a final application.

If a project is town-owned, applicants must get permission to submit  agenda of the select board or other town board, such as  conservation, historical commission, and park and recreation. For additional information, visit or email the CPC administrator at

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