Summer’s here – and so is The Hull Times Summer Guide!

Summer is here, and so is The Hull Times Summer Guide!

The annual publication hit the streets on Thursday, June 8, and provides residents and visitors with all they need to know about spending the summer in Hull and along Nantasket Beach. The centerpiece is the Community Calendar of Events, which begins in June and includes events and activities throughout the summer and into fall, topping off with the Endless Summer festival.

This publication is our most anticipated issue of the year. The Guide is free, mailed to all Hull households, and thousands of extra copies are printed and distributed all over town from June through the fall, for easy pick-up. We also feature the Guide here on our website.

The Guide is full of detailed information about upcoming events, special offers from the business community, great stories about Hull from our talented reporters, and of course, it’s all supported by our loyal advertisers.

Click here to read all about it!