Voters complete work on town meeting warrant, defer action on marijuana bylaw

By Carol Britton Meyer

Town meeting business wrapped up Wednesday night during the third four-hour session, during which the remaining 10 of 26 articles were considered.

There was an unexpected twist to the request to allow an existing marijuana dispensary to add retail sales. The sponsor of the citizens’ petition offered a substitute motion, which was approved: “Based on information we were given by town counsel after town meeting began, I move that Article 18 be referred to the zoning bylaw committee without prejudice for consideration of the article at any special or annual town meeting.” The issue with the article concerned whether its wording would adequately address the general prohibition on retail marijuana sales that Hull voters approved several years ago.

Roughly 200 voters said “yes” to requiring an affordable housing component for any new development of more than 10 units, increasing dog license fees, and authorizing the select board to negotiate with the state for a long-term lease of beachfront property, including the potential for an arts center in the vacant former police station near the carousel.

Voters said “no” to instituting term limits for the select board (the original article, a citizens’ petition, related to all elected town boards).

As with the previous two sessions, Wednesday's town meeting wrapped up around 11 p.m., with Town Moderator George Boylen thanking those who attended for their patience in navigating through some very complex articles and related discussions. 

See this week's edition of The Hull Times for full details.