Garden Club celebrating art, music, community, and more with ‘Books in Bloom’ event

By Betsy Russo, President, Hull Garden Club

The Hull Garden Club wanted to have an event to give back to the community for all the support we have gotten throughout the challenging last few years.

With the encouragement and help of Diane Costagliola, director of the Hull Public Library, the club is having a four-day “Books in Bloom” celebration at the library, Thursday, Jan. 19 through Monday, Jan. 23. 

The library will be filled with blooms as the Hull Garden Club and other community groups interpret books through floral design. There are many events scheduled, all free. 

The HGC wanted to reach out to other members of the community to participate in this event and to share in the excitement. The following groups will be joining us in making arrangements: the Hull Library Book Club, the Council on Aging staff, the Hull Lifesaving Museum staff, the Hull Village Association, the Friends of the Hull Public Library, and Barbara’s Book Club. The arrangements will be on display starting at noon Thursday, Jan. 19 through Monday, Jan. 23, during regular library hours, as well as during our special Friday night event. 

The HGC sponsored a class at the Council on Aging where seniors made more than 100 bookmarks to contribute to the Books in Bloom event. 

The Hull Artists will share their beautiful artwork. The collection centers around our garden theme, which promises to be a diverse and colorful display in the gallery. 

There will be a Friday morning garden-themed story time for preschool-aged children and a Saturday art class for the elementary age. Sign up at the library for the art class.

On Thursday evening, from 5-7 p.m., here is an opportunity to meet the arrangers and ask questions. On Friday evening, from 5:30 to 8 p.m., there is a special reception with music by Hull’s own talented Anne Walsh, Ned Morse, and Skip Tull. The Friends of the Hull Public Library will provide refreshments. There will be raffles and loads of fun. 

The Hull Garden Club wants to give back -- mark your calendars for this wonderful community event!