Hanukkah season signals a time of celebration, renewal, and light for all

Hanukkah commemorates the Jewish ancestral military victory, recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent miracles that took place in the holy temple in Israel.

Historically, Hanukkah has been a time of renewal and rededication. Over the centuries, the holiday has evolved to include all the joyous celebration elements we observe today.

We come together to light menorah, increasing by one candle on each of the eight holiday nights, increasing the light and beauty every night.

Jews everywhere enjoy fried foods, such as potato latkes and donuts, and will spin dreidel, a game of chance for fun and prizes.

Hanukkah is often termed The Festival of Lights, bringing warmth and happiness to the darkest days of winter.

Here in our home in Hull, we will have a communal menorah lighting on Sunday, Dec. 18 at the gazebo at nightfall, and an open house party in our synagogue, including entertainment and refreshments, leading up to the lighting.

Your friends at Temple Beth Sholom hope to see you all, and share our warmest wishes for the holiday.