Hull pledges support for joining AARP’s network of ‘age-friendly communities’

The select board this week authorized Chair Jennifer Constable to sign a letter to be sent to the American Association of Retired Persons pledging the Town of Hull's commitment to creating an age-friendly community and environment at the suggestion of the Council on Aging during a recent meeting.

The board also supported joining AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly Communities, an affiliate of the World Health Organization’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities.

This program supports the efforts of cities and towns to be “great places for people of all ages.”

Joining this program is one of the key recommendations from the recent needs assessment aimed at enhancing the lives of Hull’s growing senior population now and in the years to come.

This AARP network is based on the premise that communities should provide safe, walkable streets, age-friendly housing and transportation options, access to needed services, and opportunities for residents of all ages to participate in community life.

There are no membership costs.

-- Carol Britton Meyer