Chamber outlines goals: promoting local history, improving transportation, expanding visitor economy

By Carol Britton Meyer 

The Hull Nantasket Chamber of Commerce is working on several initiatives to promote the community and enhance the local economy, President Steven Greenberg told the select board this week.

Greenberg presented a 2024 year in review, along with a 2025 planning update – with a focus on enhancing community engagement and economic development in town. He prefaced the update by holding up a ledger book that detailed an April 1, 1947, meeting “of some businessmen of the town of Hull held at the Veterans Building for the purpose of creating and laying the foundation of an organization similar to a chamber of commerce or board of trade. That’s how it all started, although there may have been a merchants association before that,” he said.

The overview featured events and initiatives that were undertaken last year, along with the 98-member Chamber’s achievements.

Community events included the St. Patrick’s Day Pot of Gold; the townwide Stem-to-Stern yard sale; and the Endless Summer Waterfront Festival and Hull Holiday Showcase, which each attracted about 2,000 visitors and local customers, respectively.

“The lights are on in Hull is the message,” Greenberg said. “We’re open for business,” with a focus on the shoulder season to help maintain a vibrant economy year-round.

NIGHT LIGHTS. As part of its effort to promote local history, the Hull Nantasket Chamber of Commerce will install an informational marker on Cadish Avenue near A & B Streets to commemorate the first baseball game played under electric lights. Two teams played there, on the grounds of the Sea Foam House, on September 2, 1880.

‘People love history’

Historical preservation efforts included collaboration with the historical commission in applying for a $25,000 Community Preservation Act grant to fund an historic preservation plan for the town, with the intention of applying for a matching grant from the Massachusetts Historical Commission.

“People love history,” Greenberg said. “We are focused on improving our stewardship of Hull’s historical properties leading up to the [celebration of America’s] 250th anniversary.”

Other initiatives include creating a “first night baseball game” storyboard to commemorate the first baseball game held under artificial light – marking the inception of “night baseball” –played on September 2, 1880 on the back lawn of the then-Sea Foam House resort in Hull. The planned location is on Cadish Avenue near A & B Streets, where the hotel was located.

Employees from two prominent Boston department stores – Jordan Marsh & Co. and R. H. White & Co. (later to become Filene’s) – competed in a nine-inning match that ended in an exciting 16-16 tie.

Chamber transportation efforts include engagement with DPV Transportation, which offers ground transportation for businesses and communities, to discuss strategies for increasing bus usage and promoting mass transit in Hull and working with the MBTA to upgrade the 714 bus route, with a focus on Americans with Disabilities Act compliance and clearly marked bus stops. The Chamber has also discussed with the MBTA promoting increased use of public transportation leading up to the 250th anniversary celebration.

‘Community amenity space’

The Chamber was also involved with securing a 250-square-foot “community amenity space” as part of the Procopio Companies’ Paragon Dunes development “for welcoming community interaction,” Greenberg said.

In addition, the Chamber continued discussions with Hull Garden Club President Betsy Russo about reestablishing the beautification committee – which was recently accomplished – focused on “improving public spaces and community pride.”

Partnering with HullNext (a town-focused website) to develop online strolls showcasing Hull’s character and history and ongoing engagement with the Hull Redevelopment Authority to promote community and economic development were among other Chamber activities last year.

The Chamber is also partnering with Humans, Not Consumers to develop a marketing plan for the town, with a “buy local” component starting in 2026.

Fostering community engagement, economic development

“The Hull Nantasket Chamber of Commerce is committed to fostering community engagement and economic development initiatives,” Greenberg said. “We will continue to cultivate partnerships that support Hull’s interests, with a focus on improving the community through increased local business activity and fostering pride and prosperity for the Town of Hull.”

Some Chamber members also participate in economic development committee meetings.

“How do the Chamber and the EDC work together [to avoid duplicating efforts]?” select board Chair Irwin Nesoff asked.

“We’re one town, one economy,” Greenberg responded.

Select board member Greg Grey suggested the Chamber host a forum with participation from residents and businesses from all parts of town to brainstorm and talk about things they would like to do and see happen.

“Many people have a lot of ideas and just need a little guidance,” he said, while suggesting a fish fry or lobster bake to build community spirit. “We do live in a coastal community, and residents and visitors would flock to town for such events. We just need someone to run them.”

‘It’s a paradise here’

Holding events for residents is “great,” Greenberg said, “but they don’t necessarily fuel the local economy. I’d like to see the creation of a visitor economy that adds $1.5 million a year to the local economy, creating more jobs. Take the boat to the bus to the beach and back would be a one-day Nantasket excursion. It’s a paradise here, and we already have the boat and the bus.”

Greenberg said he prefers “to pick our customers rather than have them pick us. I want to attract small groups of people who want to come here to enjoy the town and spend money.”

Recommendations for further Chamber consideration include continued collaboration with local organizations; increased community participation in Chamber functions and events; and a focus on public transportation enhancements to support local businesses.

Plans for 2025 will be presented at the Chamber’s annual meeting and holiday party on Tuesday, January 14. Those who are not members but who would like to attend should contact Greenberg at

Besides Greenberg, the Chamber’s executive board consists of Julie Barros, Jim Pitrolo, and Kathy Dunn.

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As Legislature opens 194th session, Hull resident takes on new role as House clerk

As the Massachusetts State Legislature began its session on New Year’s Day, Rep. Joan Meschino nominated longtime Hull resident Timothy Carroll to become the new clerk of the House of Representatives.

State Rep. Joan Meschino and Clerk of the House Timothy Carroll…

Carroll replaces Steven James, who retired after 26 years in the position, as the body’s chief parliamentarian. He was nominated on the opening day of the 194th Legislative Session on January 1.

“I want to send my congratulations to Tim. It was an honor to nominate him and I know he will thrive in the role,” Meschino said. “Tim started working for the House as a page in 1981, served in the Marine Corps, and most recently worked alongside Clerk James for many years. He is a fine man with strength of character, deep appreciation for the institution of the House, and commitment to service.”

During what always proves to be a festive day at the State House, members of the House of Representatives took the oath of office and heard remarks by Governor Maura Healey and newly reappointed Speaker Ronald Mariano.

“There is always a renewed sense of purpose and excitement this time of year. In December, we said goodbye to our dear colleagues who have left the legislature for other pursuits,” said Meschino. “And in January, we welcome a new class of legislators dedicated to serving the Commonwealth for their constituents. I am honored to be re-elected and look forward to the upcoming session.”

Mariano heralded the wide variety of accomplishments from the Legislature including gun reform, expanded services to veterans and Gold Star families, comprehensive maternal health support, legislation to combat the opioid crisis, and a major climate bill to reduce carbon emissions.

“That work, however, will only be the very beginning of what we must accomplish this session,” Mariano said. “That’s why I’m incredibly grateful for the expertise and unique perspectives that each of you bring to this chamber. I look forward to hearing from all of you about your priorities for this session, and about what you’re hearing from folks in your communities.”

The legislature, which operates on a two-year cycle, holds the Inaugural Celebration on the first Wednesday of the year as mandated in the Massachusetts Constitution. Next, legislators will file thousands of bills during the next two weeks.

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From the Veterans Office: New column to highlight benefits available to Hull veterans and families

By Paul Sordillo

Hull Veterans Service Officer 

This is the first in a series of monthly columns by Hull Veterans Service Officer Paul Sordillo that will highlight information and benefits of interest to local veterans and their families.

My name is Paul Sordillo, and I am your Veterans Service Officer. I retired from the Coast Guard after 29 years and have been the Hull Veteran Officer since April of 2018. I am also a resident.

Many people believe I am a representative of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), but I’m not. I am a town employee responsible for administrating state benefits commonly known as Chapter 115. I do assist and help veterans and surviving spouses with applying for Veterans Affairs benefits from the federal government. I also plan and coordinate Veterans Day and Memorial Day ceremonies.

Towns in the Massachusetts Bay Colony started providing assistance to needy veterans in their communities following the French and Indian War (1754-1763). The Commonwealth of Massachusetts started providing assistance after the Revolutionary War. Not until the start of the Civil War did the state formalize the assistance, establishing Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 115 and the Department of Veterans Services. The Department of Veterans Services was established as an executive office on March 1, 2023 and is now known as the Executive Office of Veterans Services.

Let’s talk Chapter 115. This benefit is for veterans and the surviving spouse of a deceased veteran (if the spouse was married to the veteran at the time of his or her death, he or she is considered an eligible dependent). Children and parents might also qualify to receive benefits.

There are strict eligibility requirements, as Chapter 115 is means-tested with income and asset limits. The following amounts are good until June 30, 2025: the maximum monthly income allowed for an individual is $2,510, and for a couple, it is $3,407. Additional family members would change these amounts. However, applicants whose income is slightly above allowable limits may be eligible for medical benefits at a “spend down” adjustment amount. Asset limits are $8,400 for and individual and $16,600 for a couple. Note that even if your income is higher than the specified amounts, you still may qualify for reimbursements of medical expenses. Get in touch with the veterans office by phone at 781-925-0305, or email, for more information or visit

I will continue with more articles in regards to available benefits, both federal and state.

To contact Paul Sordillo, Hull’s Veterans Service Officer, for more information about the topics discussed in this column, or other benefits available to local veterans, call 781-925-0305 or email

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CPC considers $3M in requests for playground renovations, historic preservation projects

By Carol Britton Meyer

The Community Preservation Committee recently reviewed proposals by project proponents seeking Community Preservation Act grants for the next round of funding – ranging from a historic preservation plan for the town and Hull Lifesaving Museum boathouse restoration work to the continued preservation of historical town records and three Village Fire Station reconstruction options. All of the projects being considered total about $3.6 million, although the fire station plan has three options, each slightly more involved, and more expensive.

The date for the formal presentations of the proposed projects, complete with all the details, is Monday, January 6 –and Monday, January 13, if needed.

The proposals, amounts requested, and project proponents are:

⦁ Village playground and basketball court construction, $580,000, requested by the Town of Hull, through Community Planning & Development Director Chris DiIorio. The planned playground renovations “aim to improve the play experience for children and improve the park for people of all ages,” according to the application. If approved, new playground equipment would replace outdated structures, offering a range of activities such as sliding, swinging, spinning, bouncing, balancing, and climbing to help diversify the type of play experiences available to Hull youth.

The proposal includes a new landscaped entrance area with bike racks and an information kiosk leading to shaded benches and an ADA-accessible table that will provide “a comfortable resting space for families and to foster social interaction.”

The basketball court would be reconstructed with a small retaining wall along Main Street to allow for additional landscaping and ease of maintenance. All improvements would be connected by ADA-accessible walkways. The CPC approved funding in 2022 in the amount of $57,000 for design and engineering plan development.

⦁ Friend Park/Jones Playground construction, $530,000, requested by the town, also through DiIorio’s office.

⦁ Boathouse restoration, Hull Lifesaving Museum, $137,500; requested by the museum.

⦁ Historic preservation plan, $25,000 (with the intention of applying for a matching grant from the Massachusetts Historical Commission) for a total project cost of $50,000; requested by the Hull Historical Commission.

⦁ Lifesaving Museum restoration, exterior paint/lighting, $111,000, requested by the museum.

⦁ Paragon Carousel roof replacement, $125,000, requested by the Friends of the Paragon Carousel.

⦁ St. Nicholas Church, restore/exterior paint; $35,000, requested by trustee James Pitrolo.

⦁ Continued preservation of historical town records, $100,000, requested by Town Clerk Lori West. The next assets to be digitized would be the town’s street maps and record books. CPC member Nathan Peyton requested more details about the overall scope, because it is a multi-year project.

⦁ Three options for Village Fire Station: reconstruction of the first-floor area to create better conditions for the firefighters, $500,000; first-floor area reconstruction and installation of interior stairs to the second floor, $575,000; and reconstruction of the first floor area, installation of an interior stair to the second floor, and renovation of the second floor with a new kitchen and sleeping areas, $735,000, requested by the town. “$700,000 would be the dream,” DiIorio told CPC members. “We’re exploring all avenues.”

This request is for additional funding for historical preservation and to improve the functionality of the Village Fire Station.

“The plan for the historical rehabilitation work has gone through several iterations, as the importance of this facility as a fire station has grown somewhat from the original request and the necessity to house a larger fire truck has become apparent,” according to the application.

In addition, as plans have developed, cost estimates have become more accurate, according to DiIorio. Currently, “$1.5 million has been approved and is in place to completely preserve and rehabilitate in an historically appropriate manner the exterior of the building, to modify the interior garage area to accommodate a larger truck, and to upgrade the garage floor and systems to meet modern standards for a firehouse garage,” the application states. Funding is not in place for upgrades in the other spaces. The Hull Historical Society has occupied the second floor of the fire station, which was the location of Hull’s first town hall and school, for decades.

CPC member Rachel Kelly expressed concern about the amount of CPA funding already allocated to the project and that some of the proposed improvements would not fall under the historic preservation category, but rather, under departmental expenses and would therefore not be eligible for CPA funding.

“There’s a big push among committee members as to what the fire department is going to put into [this project] from their budget,” Kelly said.

⦁ Community housing category (estimate), $70,000;

⦁ Administration costs (estimate), $30,000.

CPA funding comes from a 1.5% property tax surcharge approved by voters in 2016 that can only be used for community housing, historic preservation, and open space/recreation projects. The state partially matches these funds each year.

The CPA requires that at least 10% of each year’s community preservation revenues be spent or set aside for each of the three categories. The remaining 70% is available for spending on any one or more of the categories according to the preferences of the committee and town meeting.

Applicants are encouraged to include potential non-CPA funding sources if applicable.

“We will have to make choices, because we can’t approve all [of the proposals],” said James Ianiri, who co-chairs the CPC with Dennis Riley.

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Long-forgotten ledger shines a light on the inner workings of Hull’s ‘Old Ring’ politicians

By John J. Galluzzo

Thanks to William M. “Doc” Bergan and his 1968 book “Old Nantasket,” we know that for a long period of time, Hull was controlled by a single political group known colloquially as the “Old Ring.” Led, at first, by Selectman John Smith, it held a tight-fisted grip over every dollar that flowed through town coffers, often into the pockets of the members of the Ring themselves. John Smith ascended to his position in 1893, and by 1900 had consolidated enough power to set up an almost four-decade dynasty that outlasted his death in 1926.

Doc Bergan served the Old Ring, and then broke away from it, running for selectman opposite a Ring-endorsed candidate in 1939. His victory signaled the end of the Old Ring, once and for all. But from 1900 to 1939, if you wanted your son to have a job in town, you had to submit to the Ring. If you wanted to serve as a trustee of the Hull Public Library, you had to become a member of the Ring.

RINGING IN THE NEW YEAR. The Hull Citizens Association – better known by its nickname, the ‘Old Ring’ – was the formal name of the political organization that controlled the town’s government in the early part of the 20th century. A recent donation to the Hull Historical Society revealed the minutes of its meetings from the 1920s and 1930s, including the welcoming of new members who joined to earn favor with political leaders.

They padlocked the doors to town meetings to make sure opposing voices could not be heard (one man, “Padlock” Bill Reddie, had that specific responsibility). They rigged ballot boxes. They tracked elections voter-by-voter and knew exactly who had voted for whom, so that punishments could be handed out to those who voted against the group’s agenda. Doc Bergan, who was in on the fixed elections, told the whole story. In one famous case, after ex-Mayor John “HoneyFitz” Fitzgerald of Boston lambasted the Old Ring in a public meeting, town workers showed up at his summer house at the base of Allerton Hill and dug a trench right in front of it, only filling it in after he and his family had left for the winter.

Although much can be read directly from the annual town reports – any time money went from the town budget to John Wheeler, John Smith, and others, it was a tell – we are left wondering about the inner workings of the Ring. How did they operate? Who was selected to do what? How did members get elected?

Finally, we have answers.

The Old Ring kept minutes.

An unexpected donation to the Hull Historical Society this fall contains the remarkable story of the Hull Citizens Association (the Republican Town Committee, or the “Old Ring”) from 1922 to 1939. In this record of association meetings, we can read about that catastrophic moment when John Smith passed away and how the fight to fill the void he left behind unfolded. We can see everything fall apart in 1939. And, thanks to a long list in the back of the book, we have the names of all members of the Old Ring during this 18-year period.

When the book begins, at 7:30 p.m. on February 21, 1922, at a meeting at the Hull Police headquarters on Atlantic Hill (across the street from Boss John Smith’s house; he never liked to travel very far from home), the treasurer reported a balance of $140.75 (about $2,500 today). The first order of business at the regular meetings was to elect new members. In 1922 “The names of Murdock Gillis, Walter Hastey, Daniel Sullivan, John R. Morton, and Daniel Souther were recommended by the membership committee and they were elected members of the Association by unanimous vote.” In what also was annual tradition, the president – of course, John Smith – “declared a recess prior to calling the meeting to enable those present to pay their dues to the collector,” Frank Richardson.

As the meeting continued, John Smith reclaimed the presidency for another year, Clarence Vaughn Nickerson (selectman and superintendent of the Hull Schools) and James Jeffrey (a fellow selectman) took the two vice president positions, John G. Waterhouse was named secretary, and Nickerson was named treasurer. The association had four longstanding committees during these years, although we don’t know for sure their exact responsibilities. The transportation committee consisted of seven members: Walter N. Cummings, John R. Wheeler (auto dealer), Herbert C. Huntress, George A. Dodge (owner of Paragon Park), Henry Stevens (police and fire chief), Newton Wanzer (transportation company owner) and Raymond McDonald (fire engineer, or engine driver).

The ballot committee (James Jeffrey and Andrew F. Pope) might simply have been in charge of ensuring the proper names were listed on the town election ballots every year. At worst, it could have been much more, as Doc Bergan has told us. We can only surmise. Boss Smith’s political savviness led him to not put down anything incriminating in the organization’s minutes.

The membership committee included Frank M. Reynolds (former police chief), Jeffrey, and Walter N. Cummings.

The all-important dinner committee consisted of John R. Wheeler, long known as the money man behind the Old Ring, and John W. Sweeney. We can guess, here, that there was nothing really nefarious happening with this committee, save for, possibly, finding access to booze during Prohibition and, of course, money flowing into the wrong places. But, without a paper trail, this is simply amusing historical conjecture.

The meeting then voted on a slate of town officers to be endorsed by the Association, all of whom would be elected. Interestingly, oftentimes the association held its own internal elections. When, for instance, in 1922 three internal candidates stumped for two open positions on the board of assessors, James W. Douglas polled 39 votes, Frank P. Richardson, 32, and Charles E. West (store owner at “West’s Corner”), 7. Shrewdly, Clarence Nickerson presented a motion to have member Charles McDowell “circulate papers in the interest of Mr. West.” That way, all three candidates could “run,” and if West won one of the seats, the Ring lost nothing. They still took both open seats.

The other item of real interest in 1922 – the year that the new Hull Municipal Building would open, across the street from Boss Smith’s home – was the inclusion of a woman. Although the association presented as an exclusively male club, Carrie E. Mitchell stood out. She held that coveted spot as trustee of the Public Library, so endorsed by the association for a three-year term that year. She would also take a spot on the School Committee.

We don’t know whether Carrie Mitchell smoked cigars. But, based on the minutes of February 1923, we can envision the annual meetings of the Ring as smoky affairs. For that year, the minutes include a budget: $68.90 for cigars; $16.45 for printing; $25 for transportation; $202.65 for “lunches, etc.” Cigars accounted for 22% of the annual budget.

Over the next few years, the association grew, both in membership and cigar budget. In the 1923 meeting, held in the Damon School (also basically across the street from Boss Smith’s home), the Ring welcomed 52 new members, each named individually for the vote, including members of the Bergan, Cohen, Anastos, Mitchell, Means, Eastman, and Coleman families, among others. Many represented the same families that had controlled town politics for the past 20 years, brothers and cousins of existing members. Numerous World War veterans (and at least one future World War II casualty) joined. And yet, not a single new member became either an officer of the association or a town office holder that year; those roles still fell to a select few. Perhaps membership expanded that year due to a marketing ploy. Membership dues dropped to $1 that year.

In 1924, we begin to see the seeds of change. Selectman and association Vice President Nickerson presided over the meeting, as he did over most things for the town that year. In fact, for the next three years, Nickerson took control of the annual gathering. Although John Smith’s name still stood prominently at the masthead of the organization, he was obviously absent after three decades as selectman and president of the Ring. Ambrose Burnside Mitchell, Herb Olsen, George P. Cobb, Robert Shea, Doug Ross, Charles Pitts, Clifton Jager, James Burke, James Maxwell, William S. Arnold, Adrian P. Dowd, Harold Olsen, and Herb Green joined the association in 1924. Ten more joined in 1925, including the commanding officer of the Point Allerton Coast Guard station, Captain Hilton Acker. Thirty-three new members joined in 1926, including members of the Berman, McPeak, McGonagle, Delmonico, Taurasi, Apostolu, Cadish, Brennan, and Desmond families. One name really stands out: Herb Gordon, Hingham High School class of 1925. Four years after joining the Hull Citizens Association, Gordon would become publisher of The Hull-Nantasket Times. Was it intended as a platform for advancing the agenda of the Old Ring?

John Smith’s absence became pronounced in 1926. Nearing 70 years old, Smith had affected or controlled Hull politics for most of his adult life. On August 3, 1926, the Association called an emergency meeting. Boss Smith was dead. 

The association reacted as it should have. For better or worse, John Smith had been an integral part of everything that had happened in Hull for decades. The meeting voted that “Resolutions as offered by Mr. Jeffrey of our late Pres. John Smith be spread upon our records, and one copy sent to the family.” The members mourned as they should have. But a new reality arose. There was now a space at the top. At that same meeting, the members made a quick decision to fill the role of Selectman John Smith: Henry Stevens, constable, police chief and fire chief. As far as Citizens Association President John Smith’s role went, that would have to be decided at the 1927 annual meeting.

As that meeting started on February 27 in the upstairs auditorium of the Municipal Building at 8:25 p.m., procedures noticeably changed. “Voted,” read the minutes, “That all applicants to Association be asked to fill out an application blank and that the same be acted upon in their absence.” No new members were admitted that year.

Clarence Nickerson took the role of president by unanimous vote, but did he truly wield all of the power in the organization? James Jeffrey remained as one of the two vice presidents, but Henry Stevens took the other. That meant that he was now selectman, police chief, fire chief, and vice president of the association. As Nickerson had, Stevens would bide his time and wait for the opportunity to claim the number one position in the Old Ring.

More new members arrived in 1928: John Pedonti, Chester Gould, future police chief Dan Short and 11 more. In 1929, the association welcomed 37 more, and responded to several requests from members. One motion called for “3 selectmen as heretofore be the opinion of this meeting;” voices in the community were calling for an expansion of the board of selectmen, perhaps to break the logjam of Old Ring control. The meeting also voted to “go on record as opposed to Civil Service” and “in favor of gas under favorable conditions.” Such political notions increasingly became prevalent in the minutes.

On January 31, 1930, just a few months into the Great Depression and a period of troubling uncertainty, as well as following the tragic loss of the Nantasket steamboat fleet to fire on Thanksgiving Day, the association met and discussed topics such as how much the town should pay to dredge the Weir River and voted “To endorse yes on ballot at March meeting relative to Commissioner of Public Safety.” The idea, which did not pass townwide vote in 1930, was for the selectmen to appoint one of their own to this new position. Henry Stevens’ moment had nearly arrived. Although Clarence Nickerson remained president of the Old Ring, Stevens now held supreme power, as his three town roles officially would be consolidated into one. Instead of calling himself selectman, fire chief and police chief, he could simply say he was Commissioner of Public Safety. The following year, the town made it so.      

The debate on Civil Service continued into 1931. Massachusetts was the second state in the nation to adopt civil service legislation, in 1885, but Hull had held out. Once the Old Ring came to power, it was out of the question. Without civil service laws, town jobs remained in the hands of the party in power. It was one piece of leverage the Old Ring held closely. During the 1931 meeting, the welfare of local families had never before been so in question. Civil service could mean the difference between poverty and at least sustainability for many Hullonians. The only obstacle standing in the way for many qualified Hull residents was the desire for patronage or payoffs by the political machine. Some members had seen enough. “After a debate between Henry J. Stevens, Wm. M. Bergan, Clarence V. Nickerson, Herbert Huntress, Dr. Sturgis, Horace G. Ettinger and Capt. Gordon + Robt. Kelly, it was voted that this association go on record as opposed to civil service.” We don’t know who spoke on which side, but based on future actions, we can argue that Doc Bergan was emerging as a voice for the working man.

In 1932, as the Depression deepened, Hull residents turned to the Old Ring for hope. While 10 new members had joined in 1931, 82 joined in a June meeting in 1932, which also featured the first itemized budget, including a $52 payment to The Hull-Nantasket Times, $40 to the Bayside Theatre for “pictures & operator,” $30 to the Murray Chocolate Co., and a mysterious $98 for “entertainers.” On August 2, 70 more members joined.

The reason for the second meeting in three months had to do with the death of James Jeffrey, longtime selectman. As with the passing of Boss Smith six years earlier, the association needed to find a replacement quickly. Four men stood for election: Dr. Walter Sturgis, Daniel J. Murphy, Robert Kelly, and Harland Skelton. President Nickerson appointed tellers and ballot clerks. Murphy took the first round, with 104 votes, but needed 140 of the 291 cast to take the endorsement for selectman. Skelton dropped out after the first ballot, having received only 28 votes. The results tightened. With 135 necessary to win, Murphy scored 111 of the 268 votes cast in the second go-round. On the third ballot, Murphy gained one vote while Kelly lost 20. He resigned for the fourth ballot. At 12:30 a.m., August 3, 1932, Daniel Murphy earned the endorsement over Dr. Sturgis. He became a selectman in 1933.

For the next three years, the Association’s business flowed smoothly; with the Depression as miserable as it was, there was little that could be done. In 1936, Murphy defeated James Bacon for the selectman’s endorsement, 119 to 16, and again took his seat on the board. The 1937 meeting featured an appearance by Hull’s own Representative John Q. Knowles, who spoke “very strongly” about his bill to spend $100,000 in state money to dredge Hull Bay as a Federal Works project. Due to a clerical error, it had been submitted as $1,000, but he assured that he was pushing for $100,000. The association voted to back his cause.

The 1938 meeting came and went quickly, with only a single round vote for a position on the park department.

That fall, two tragedies struck. First, in early September, Henry Stevens died unexpectedly, leaving the town without a commissioner of public safety. Then, a week later, the Hurricane of 1938 arrived with 121-mile-per-hour winds registered at nearby Blue Hill Observatory in Milton, with gusts up to 182. On October 6, the Association met to vote in a replacement for Stevens.

Here, the minutes get clouded. After standing in silence in honor of their lost leader and voting to draft resolutions in his memory, “We then proceeded with the nomination of candidates. C.S. McDowell was nominated by Oliver Olsen. J.E. Mitchell by Wm. Mitchell. Wm. Lyman by…” There was no name. “The following tellers were nominated:…” No names.

The ballots were tallied: McDowell, 199; Mitchell, 51; Lyman, 2; Blanks, 1. Mitchell and Lyman then did the unheard of. They resigned from the Hull Citizens Association and left the meeting. McDowell accepted the endorsement. For the first time in the minutes from 1922-1938, Secretary John Waterhouse wrote “All ballots both used and unused have been destroyed by me.”

Page 78 of the journal holds a banner across the top: “Feb 14th 1939.” There are no more words written down. A random, floating piece of paper holds the following never-spoken resolution: “To prevent any attempt to pack this or any future meeting of the Association, I move that the question of admitting new members always be considered after the endorsement of candidates. February 14, 1939.” The Association had taught its own too well. That political savviness that had made the Old Ring strong for so many years would finally come back to bite it. There was no 1939 meeting.

A few days after that planned meeting date, Doc Bergan, a former member of the Old Ring, declared he would be running for selectman opposite Dan Murphy. Edward J. Haley stood for assessor against Old Ring candidates. Bergan took to the radio to make a plea for the working man and won the election. For the first time since 1900, someone other than an Old Ring candidate sat on the board of selectmen. Haley joined him in town government, deepening the crack in the Old Ring armor.

The Old Ring was no more.

This story skims the surface of a remarkable four-decade journey. The back pages of the book lists hundreds of names of members of the association, each of whom have their own stories to tell.

The Hull Historical Society is deeply indebted to Terri Lynn Geary and family for the donation of this incredible document, which offers an unparalleled view behind the curtain of the most important local political movement in Hull history.

If you have photos and memorabilia that you would like to donate to the Hull Historical Society, email The Society maintains an archive of historical items on the second floor of the Village Fire Station and is working toward digitizing its collection.

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Remembering Hull’s biggest issues and memorable newsmakers of 2024 – Part 2

Compiled by The Hull Times staff


Former Memorial Middle School Principal Anthony Hrivnak was named the new Hull High School assistant principal, replacing Julie Burke, who had not reported to work since early May. Retiring Hull Public Schools Superintendent Judith Kuehn reported that Hrivnak was appointed to his new role in consultation with new Superintendent Michael Jette. Burke reportedly resigned on June 12, although neither the school committee nor administrators made any announcement of her departure to students, families, or the community.

On July 2 and 3, the Hull Redevelopment Authority hosted outdoor performances of the Hideaway Circus on its property. The sold-out shows attracted large crowds on both nights.

The Hull Redevelopment Authority did not approve a motion made by Adrienne Paquin to “not endorse the draft Urban Renewal Plan as currently written.” Paquin said she was prompted to make the motion because it has come to her attention the draft URP is being used as justification for other projects in town, when it is not something that is ready to happen. The motion was met with heated discussion, but all members of the HRA agreed the goal is to get back to the board’s core mission and revise the draft plan.

No longer allowing telephone poles to be placed along the railroad bed in the northern alphabet section of town, a stipulation that was included in a town meeting-approved warrant article, was not yet in effect because the town was still awaiting Attorney General approval of the policy. Poles had been placed this year and the town manager asked that they not be removed.

A Bastille Day concert and celebration at Fort Revere recognized the partnership of the French during the American Revolution, in particular the French soldiers who were stationed at the fort’s earlier incarnation, Fort Independence.

Wellspring held its annual Adult Education Program graduation ceremony, with numerous graduates from Hull and surrounding communities.

A heat wave continued, bringing heavy weekend traffic to Hull’s main access roads. Cars were backed up on George Washington Boulevard past the Hull Medical Center.

A large crowd gathered for an update on the seawall project along Nantasket Avenue at the foot of Allerton Hill near the lagoon and a discussion of the temporary traffic plan. Residents expressed concerns about the planned one-way road, providing accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists during the construction; additional expected traffic on Allerton Hill due to detours; and whether these changes should have gone before the select board acting as the town’s traffic commissioners.

A gorgeous sunset set the scene for the Hull Lifesaving Museum’s annual Harbor Illumination. Highlights included a rowing team taking to the water at dusk along with bagpiper Owen Foley, as well as the “Forever Flare” ceremony at A Street Pier, at which flares were lit in memory of friends and family members in an annual tribute. Residents took to the hills all over Hull to get the best view of the harbor lights.

Hull High School’s former assistant principal, who stopped reporting to work in early May and resigned on June 12 with no public acknowledgement by the Hull school department, was hired as the assistant principal at Mansfield High School.


According to a survey conducted by a private firm in conjunction with SOS (Save our Space) Hull, an organization that opposes large-scale development of the HRA property, residents and visitors who responded do not want the Hull Redevelopment Authority land to be heavily developed. When asked to select their top several choices for the use of the land, 80% of Hull residents surveyed want walkable park space, while 57% want a music or event performance space. Hull has a population of more than 10,000 people; out of 873 people responding to the survey, only 631 were Hull resident respondents.

The Hull Redevelopment Authority held the first of several facilitated discussions about the reuse of its 13-acre property. While no decisions were made during the nearly three-hour meeting, a majority of the members said they favored deleting housing from the list of development goals in the draft Urban Renewal Plan. The meeting was billed as a working session for HRA members without public comments, so open space advocates held up signs to express their opinions.

The Weir River Water System pledged to improve customer communication in the aftermath of complaints about widespread water discoloration that occurred over several days in June. The plan was developed in response to complaints about how the company handled notifying customers of the initial discoloration issue and subsequent updates.

A memorial stone honoring victims of Agent Orange exposure during the Vietnam War was dedicated at the war memorial at Monument Square.

Work on replacing the seawall running along Nantasket Avenue adjacent to the lagoon at the foot of Allerton Hill began. Modification to the intersection of Beacon Road, Fitzpatrick Way, and Nantasket Avenue was complete, and the town reported receiving positive responses from neighbors. Nantasket Avenue was closed along the seawall. The time span for the project extends through December 21, 2025.

The Hull Garden Club gathered on the lawn of the Hull Public Library to make several dedications at the annual picnic. A silver maple was dedicated to the HGC’s past president, Helen Weiser. A rhododendron garden was dedicated to Jeanne-Marie Parkes, also a past president of the Hull Garden Club.

Graham Whelan, the organizer of a fishing camp at Hull Gut, found a Civil War-era cannonball on the beach. This was the most common solid shot projectile of any caliber used during the Civil War by either the U.S. or Confederates.

The select board appointed patrolman James “Garret” Toner to the position of sergeant upon the recommendation of Police Chief John Dunn. Toner’s appointment filled the vacancy created by the recent retirement of Sgt. Scott Saunders, who had been on administrative leave since 2023 after being arrested in Pembroke for assaulting a 72-year-old neighbor. Toner is a state certified tactical instructor for the department as well as an officer-in-charge, and has been awarded the department lifesaving medal.

The planning board voted in support of engaging the Metropolitan Area Planning Council to assist with creating the town’s master plan at the request of Director of Community Development and Planning Chris DiIorio.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced that West Nile virus was detected in mosquitoes collected in Hull. Insects with the virus also were found in other communities across the South Shore.

The Hull Lifesaving Museum, in collaboration with Hull High School, dedicated and launched two 19-foot Stretch Gloucester Gull skiffs at Pemberton Pier. The boats, built by students under the guidance of woodshop teacher Derek Skapars and museum Executive Director Michael McGurl, were sponsored by Hull Pride and an MIT Sea Grant.

It was standing room only during the first Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on a proposal to build a four-story, 12-unit condominium development on a .63-acre lot at 25 Ipswich Street behind the former Veterans of Foreign Wars post in the Rockaway Annex neighborhood. This is the first comprehensive permit under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40B to come before the board. Abutters’ concerns included the impacts of potential blasting, disruptions to the neighborhood, stormwater runoff, water supply, setback requirements, additional traffic, maximum lot coverage, height of the six two-unit buildings, and flooding, among others.


The developer of the proposed Paragon Dunes mixed-use project at the former Paragon Boardwalk presented revised plans to the planning board in response to comments received during the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) review process. Most of the modifications address stormwater management and landscaping, including a 10-foot-wide wooden boardwalk along Nantasket Avenue with stairs and handicapped-accessible ramps, and elevating all but one of the commercial spaces and the residential lobby to a height that is about two feet. The building also is being pushed back 10 feet from Nantasket Avenue, as well as the same distance from the northern boundary near the state Department of Conservation and Recreation’s comfort station. The stepped-up boardwalk would allow flood water to pass under the building, but would not increase the overall height of the structure, as the interior ceiling heights of the first-floor commercial spaces will be reduced.

The 19th Endless Summer Waterfront Festival showcased the best restaurants, retail, and service businesses, as well as community groups, that make Hull special. Among the organizations participating were Hull Pride, Hull Artists, Hull Lions Club, Hull DPW, Friends of the Paragon Carousel, and many more.

The select board adopted the five-year Hull Hazard Mitigation Plan 2024 update at Climate Adaptation and Conservation Director Chris Krahforst’s request. Prior to the vote, he shared news that the Federal Emergency Management Agency had already approved the plan, pending its adoption by the board. The purpose of the plan is to reduce the town’s vulnerability to natural hazards such as flooding, hurricanes, and winter storms.

The streets of Kenberma were transformed into a music festival featuring 30-plus bands from all over the Boston area – in genres including bluegrass, jazz, blues, plus plenty of rock’n’roll – who performed for attendees of all ages on donated porches and driveways that became stages for a day. The annual event raised money for programs for veterans at the Hull Lifesaving Museum.

The annual Nantasket Beach Car Show took over the main avenue as hundreds of vintage and classic autos were on display. Funds raised from the event benefit Cops for Kids with Cancer and other local charitable organizations.

The select board named Mead, Talerman & Costa, LLC to serve as Hull’s new town counsel for a one-year term. MTC would replace longtime Town Counsel James Lampke, who would assist with the transition.

The Town of Hull paused to remember those killed and injured by the terror attacks of 9/11/01. This year’s ceremony was held outdoors on a beautiful evening at the Bernie King Pavilion.

While the expectation in June was that the Hull Wind II turbine would be back in service soon, that might not be the way the scenario plays out after all. At that time, the Hull Municipal Light Board was awaiting the arrival of bolts to replace ones that had broken off of the turbine. While the parts were delivered, the repair didn’t solve the problem. The light board said that if another attempt to fix the turbine doesn’t solve the problem, the structure will be dismantled next year.

The select board approved a five-year renewal of the cable television license of Verizon New England. The term is for five years and part of the deal was a $90,000 public, education, and government programming grant and a commitment to connect cable service to the planned new town offices at the former Memorial Middle School.

In a landmark environmental restoration initiative, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Center for Coastal Studies led a historic cleanup of five key islands in the Boston Harbor. Dozens of volunteers participate, sorting through the tons of material collected and brought to the staging area at Pemberton Pier for eventual disposal. In October, more volunteers would converge on Nantasket Beach to remove trash and debris from the Atlantic shoreline.


The Zoning Board of Appeals continued its review of a four-story, 12-unit condominium development proposed for the Rockaway Annex neighborhood, the first project in town to be proposed under the state’s Chapter 40B comprehensive permit law. The developer provided a project update. The board voted to hire Merrill Engineers and Land Surveyors of Hanover to complete a developer-funded peer review.

Dozens gathered at the Sgt. Joseph Bazinet Bridge, which connects Spinnaker Island with the mainland, to pay tribute to members of the military and others who have been lost at sea. The Windemere was one of four lobster boats participating in the wreath-laying ceremony, held in the shadow of the Gold Star Mothers Memorial at Hull Village Cemetery.

Police Chief John Dunn recommended – and the select board approved – the removal of all parking meters townwide, coupled with a proposal to move to a pay-by-phone app system that many communities around the state and country have already implemented. An increase in parking fees was part of the recommendation. The cost to the town to set up such a system was estimated at about $1,500, with a six-to-eight week timeframe to get it up and running.

Dozens of rowers in boats of all kinds took to the water in the Hull Lifesaving Museum’s annual Head of the Weir race. The 5.5-mile course started at the headwaters of the Weir River, made its way out past Bumpkin Island and across the bay to the Windmill Point Boathouse at Hull Gut, where volunteers were waiting to greet them and the spectators who crowded in for a great selection of soups and other treats.

The Hull School Committee declined to take a position on the upcoming ballot question about removing the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) tests as a high school graduation requirement.

The Hull Redevelopment Authority agreed to mark the cover page of the draft Urban Renewal Plan posted on the Authority’s website as “in progress” rather than as a “public review draft.” Older versions of the plan, suggestions by members, and ideas submitted by the public would remain posted on the authority’s website. Members voted beginning planning to include an additional option in the draft.

The Northern Lights lit up the skies over the South Shore, offering a rare sight on October 10.

The housing consultant and engineer for the proposed comprehensive permit development at 25 Ipswich St. in the Rockaway Annex neighborhood met with the planning board. A site visit was scheduled for November, with the developer, planning board, zoning board of appeals, design review board, and other town officials to experience first-hand what is being proposed.


The select board unanimously agreed to enter into a Host Community Agreement with Alternative Compassion Services, Inc. to sell retail marijuana in addition to the medical marijuana that has been sold at its 175 George Washington Blvd. location for the past two-and-a-half years. Town meeting earlier authorized allowing up to two retail marijuana establishments in town.

The select board voted to maintain a single tax rate for residential and commercial properties during its tax classification hearing for fiscal year 2025. The FY25 tax rate is $11.21 per $1,000 of assessed value, compared with $11.65 for FY24, for a decrease of 4%. However, the average valuation of a single-family home increased from $619,800 in FY24 to $673,300 for FY25, with an average annual tax bill of $7,548 as compared with $7,221 in FY24.

6,820 Hull residents cast their votes in the presidential election with the final tally being 4,100 for Harris-Walz and 2,499 for Trump-Vance. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Congressman Stephen Lynch, State Senator Patrick O’Connor, and State Representative Joan Meschino were reelected to their seats.

Several residents of the Alphabet section of Hull reported seeing a minke whale swimming through the bay near K and M Streets; later, a dead whale was found on the shore near O Street. The whale was removed and tests would determine its cause of death.

Because of the heightened risk for fires due to the dry weather conditions, Hull’s annual Thanksgiving bonfire was postponed. In a statement posted online, Fire Chief Chris Russo cited the continuing drought and hazardous conditions across the state as the reasons for the delay.

The Weir River Water System board of commissioners approved funding to add to the scope of the new one-million-gallon Strawberry Hill water storage tank and booster pumping station design project, including potentially demolishing the remaining structure on the site of old tank this winter if safe to do so.

The planning board unanimously approved modifications to the mixed-use Paragon Dunes development at the former Paragon Boardwalk. The project moving forward is contingent on conservation commission, sewer department, and building commissioner approval.

Hull Police investigated how a live bullet ended up in the Jacobs School gym. The bullet was discovered by a student during an evening sports practice. The Massachusetts State Police conducted a full sweep of the Jacobs School with a K9 unit specifically trained in firearms and ammunition detection. No additional ammunition or any weapons were found. Hull Police reported that there was no threat to the safety of the school’s students or staff, and no threats had been made toward the Hull Public Schools.

Two stray roosters found temporary shelter at the Hull Lifesaving Museum. The birds were christened Joshua and James, in honor of the legendary lifesaving captain Joshua James and subsequently found a home at Three Sisters Homestead in Scituate

A report by an engineering firm hired by the town to monitor traffic along Beach Avenue between A and L streets recently recommended that portion of the road retain two-way traffic flow, after evaluating a possible two-way to one-way conversion of Beach Avenue.

More than 250 volunteers coordinated the preparation, packaging, and delivery of 1,100 holiday dinners and bags of donated groceries to local families. Using Daddy’s Beach Club as a home base (where 200 were served inside), the volunteers packed up the meals – complete with turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, vegetables, cranberry sauce, rolls, and pie – for a hundred residents to pick up, while the remainder of the dinners were hand-delivered in less than four hours.


Neighbors and town officials raised concerns about the impacts of a proposed three-story, 12-unit comprehensive permit project on one of the highest points in Hull during a zoning board of appeals hearing. A second site visit was scheduled. Hull’s fire chief told the ZBA that he is concerned about access for emergency vehicles and neighbors said the addition of dozens of cars on the narrow roads would impact their quality of life.

Town Manager Jennifer Constable earned high marks and a pay raise in her first performance evaluation. Based on Constable’s performance during her first year on the job, the board approved a 3% raise retroactive to her August 16 anniversary date. Constable’s initial salary was $190,600.

The select board unanimously approved a Host Community Agreement with Alternative Compassion Services that would allow the business at 175 George Washington Boulevard to sell retail marijuana.

The town’s traditional bonfire – postponed from Thanksgiving Day because of the danger of outdoor burning in the unusually dry conditions – was rescheduled for Saturday, December 28, one month later than originally planned.

Hull Public Schools students fared well overall on the 2024 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exams compared with achievement levels statewide, with room for improvement, according to a presentation at a meeting of the school committee. Fifty-four percent of students in grades 3 through 8 met or exceeded expectations on the English Language Arts exam, and 46% of students in the same grades met or exceeded expectations above the state average of 41% on the math exam. 58% percent of grade 10 students met or exceeded expectations on the ELA exam, while 51% met or exceeded expectations on the math exam.

The Hull School Committee recognized several students for their outstanding academic achievements, including Boden Ciulla-Sestito: AP Scholar with Honors; Grace Naylor: AP Scholar with Distinction; Shane Grier: AP Scholar; Nathan Somario: MCAS perfect score in Grade 5 STE; Audrey Lancaster: MCAS perfect score in Grade 6 ELA; Allison Collins: MCAS perfect score in Grade 6 ELA; and Nelleh Huxtable: MCAS perfect score in Grade 8 ELA.

Santa Claus made his annual visit to the Paragon Carousel, delighting children of all ages. Santa’s favorite elf, Moe, handed out reindeer food to those who made a donation to the carousel, while Santa himself posed for photos with local families. Flying Santa made a stop at the Point Allerton Coast Guard Station to bring cheer to the Coast Guard personnel and their families. A lobster trap tree lit up Mariners Park and the buoy tree was moved from the Hull Lifesaving Museum to the intersection of Nantasket Avenue and Hull Shore Drive for all to see and enjoy.

The Hull Police Department welcomed four new officers, as the newest recruits graduated from the Boylston Police Academy were sworn in by the town clerk. New officers included Thomas Walters, Anthony Bates, Michael McDonald, and Thomas Bellew.

Hull Municipal Lighting Plant decided that, despite several repair attempts, the 18-year-old wind turbine at the former sanitary landfill was unable to be fixed and would have to come down. The plant began soliciting bids for the dismantling and disposal of the tower and blades.

At the request of the War Memorial Commission, the select board approved a new policy that prohibits anything other than official and military-related flags – such as holiday decorations like Christmas trees or menorahs – from being displayed at Monument Square.

Members of the Hull PorchFest team attended the Hull Lifesaving Museum’s veterans coffee hour, and presented a check for $5,000 to HLM to help fund the museum’s programs for veterans, including coffee-hour speaker fees, and boat-building and rowing sessions that are free to veterans.

At the request of the Affordable Housing Committee, the select board approved a motion to direct the town to prioritize affordable housing and to investigate potential locations, with the goal of presenting at least one property for consideration at the May town meeting. In addition, the AHC asked the board to support the creation of an affordable housing trust, which would allow more leeway in taking advantage of potential low- and moderate-income affordable housing opportunities that might come up in-between town meetings. The board was in support. Such a trust would be linked to Hull’s Community Preservation Act funds, with about $500,000 currently available from the annual required 10% allocation of funds to the community housing category.

Happy New Year!

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In the Sport-light: Roundup of news about Hull's athletes

Compiled by Matt Haraden 

• The Girls Varsity Basketball team (3-1) will host the Rockland Bulldogs on Wednesday, January 8 at 5:30 p.m. and the next day will host the Abington Green Wave at 5:30 p.m. During the vacation week, the team split two games in the holiday tournament, beating Rockland, 58-43, and falling to Southeastern Regional Vocational-Technical H.S., 59-24.

FULL COURT PRESS. The Hull Pirates girls basketball team will host back-to-back home games on January 8 and 9. The team is currently 3-1 on the season. [Nicole Townsend photo]

• The Boys Basketball team is now 3-3 after a 64-48 victory over Bristol County Agricultural High School in the Norfolk Agricultural holiday tournament on December 27. Next up is a road game against Cohasset on Tuesday, January 7, at 6:30 p.m., followed by another game on the road against Calvary Chapel Academy on Friday, January 10 at 5:30 p.m.

• The Girls Varsity Gymnastics Team (co-op with Hingham) opened its season with a win against Marshfield. The meet against Pembroke scheduled for Friday has been canceled; next up is Scituate, with the competition scheduled for Wednesday, January 8 at 8 p.m. at the South Shore YMCA Gymnastics Training Center.

• The next meets for both the Boys and Girls Indoor Track teams will be on Sunday, January 5 at 10 a.m. and Monday, January 6 at 7:30 p.m., both at the Reggie Lewis Center in Boston.

• The Girls Hockey Co-Op Team (1-5) will face off against Boston Latin Academy on Friday, January 3, at 3:30 p.m. and Ursuline Academy at 8 p.m., both at the Bridgewater Ice Arena. On Tuesday, January 7, the team travels to Tony Kent Arena in South Dennis to take on Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School. During the school break, the team lost to Ashland, 2-0, and beat Whitman-Hanson, 2-1.

• The Boys Varsity Co-Op Hockey Team (with Cohasset) fell to Sandwich, 4-2, on December 28. The New Year’s Eve game against Southeastern Regional Vocational-Technical H.S. occurred after this week’s early deadline; the next matchup is on Wednesday, January 8 at 5 p.m. against Abington at the Rockland Ice Rink.

For more information, visit

• Coaches and Super Fans – We need your help to report the scores and results of the latest events in Hull’s sports world! Please send local sports news and photos to Deadline is Tuesday at midnight. When providing details of the games or races, please be sure to include the sport/team, the players’ full names, and the final scores. When sending photos, names of those pictured are greatly appreciated, as well as who should get credit for taking the photo.

Thank you for your help!

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Hull High receives praise, accreditation renewal from independent education group

By Carol Britton Meyer 

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Public Schools awarded Hull High School continued accreditation in a December 10 letter to Principal Robert Shaw as part of the voluntary public school accreditation process, which occurs every 10 years. This news was an item on this week’s school committee agenda.

This follows a recent review of the First Report of Progress and Planning of Hull High School that is part of that process and last January’s NEASC accreditation.

A three-day NEASC visit to the high school in early 2023 was overall very positive, with recognition of the school’s strong sense of community.

“Maintaining NEASC accreditation affirms that Hull High School meets the highest educational standards and that our programs, teaching, and resources are aligned with the needs of 21st-century learners,” Shaw told The Hull Times in response to a follow-up email. “We continue to meet just about all of NEASC’s foundational elements and will prioritize the remaining element, which is related to the format of the written curriculum.”

Shaw expressed appreciation for the “continued hard work of the staff, students, and parents – all of whom play a vital role in fostering an environment of academic excellence and personal development.”

In the December 10 letter, the commission commended Hull High for its “well-developed advisory program, which helps students feel known and supported and provides them opportunities for community service and social-emotional learning;” the variety of opportunities for students to showcase their learning, both in and out of the classroom; the community partnerships that provide significant learning opportunities for students; the use of formative assessments across disciplines to inform instruction; and the “commitment to developing curriculum maps to ensure clear expectations for teaching and learning.”

Seven of the eight foundational elements included in the standards for accreditation have been met. The last one, a written curriculum developed in a consistent format for all courses in all departments across the school, has not yet been achieved.

All accredited schools are required to submit a three-year Report of Progress and Planning, which, in the case of HHS, is due on October 1, 2026. The submission of a revised HHS school growth/improvement plan is also required.

HHS’s accreditation status will be reviewed at the time the commission considers the three-year report.

In other HPS news, during recent visits to Jacobs, Memorial, and Hull High by Massachusetts School Building Authority staff, all three buildings were deemed to be in “above average” condition, the highest rating available.

The MSBA is required to conduct periodic school surveys to evaluate the conditions of public schools in Massachusetts and to inform the MSBA grant program.

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Despite delay, traditional bonfire attracts a great crowd

The town’s traditional bonfire – postponed from Thanksgiving Day because of the danger of outdoor burning in the unusually dry conditions – took place on Saturday, December 28, one month later than originally scheduled.

It was great to see so many Hullonians gathered to celebrate the community. Watch this week’s edition for more photos!

The pile of pallets used for the fire had been on the HRA land since Thanksgiving. The tradition began in the 1960s as a way to build on the community spirit of Hull High’s football rivalry with neighboring Cohasset. The first bonfires were held at the Dust Bowl playground at Pemberton and later moved to the HRA site after the land was cleared of homes and businesses in the 1970s.

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