The Hull Times

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Parade, square dedications to highlight Hull’s annual Memorial Day observance

Hull’s annual Memorial Day parade steps off from Hull High School at 9:30 a.m. and travels down Main Street to Spring Street, and will end at the Gold Star Mothers Memorial at the entrance to Hull Village Cemetery. After a ceremony honoring those who died in service, the group will make its way around town to dedicate memorial squares to veterans.

Veterans Agent Paul Sordillo recently received select board approval of square dedications in honor of veterans on Memorial Day, including:

Theodore W. Craig, US Navy, Seaman Second Class, WWII, Central Avenue and B Street.

Thomas Bannen, US Navy, WWII, Hampton Circle and Standish Road.

Leo Georgopoulos, US Army, Private, WWII, Park Avenue and Rockland House Road.

Edward Fitzsimmons, USMC, Corporal, Vietnam Location: Nantasket and Winthrop Avenues.

Joe Menice, US Army, Staff Sergeant, WWII, Tenth Street and Nantasket Road.

David M. McFarland, USMC, First Sergeant, Korea/Vietnam, Stony Beach Road and Atlantic Avenue.

Richard “Butch” Neal, USMC, General, Vietnam/Desert Storm, Cushing and Spring Streets.

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