The Hull Times

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Earth Day is the perfect time to ‘Clean Your Corner’ and prepare for growing season

By Tricia Fleck, Hull Garden Club 

Earth Day is April 22, a gentle reminder to be a friend to our home, Planet Earth. As the days warm up, step outside and be greeted by the sunny daffodils stretching up to meet the sun. Did you know that the daffodil is the official flower of Hull?

Join the Hull Garden Club on Monday, April 22 to celebrate Earth Day with our annual Clean Your Corner of Hull. We simply ask that you go outside at a time that is convenient to you and clean up your corner of our precious planet Earth by picking up debris, sweeping up, and caring for your own corner!

Stop into The Rockland Trust Company to meet members of the Hull Garden Club and pick up complimentary trash bags and packets of seeds.

Once you begin to sweep and rake, you’ll be rewarded with the beginning buds of your favorite perennials. This is a good time to divide perennials like hostas, peonies, or Shasta daisies. Cut back the daffodil, tulip, and other flowering bulbs once the leaves die naturally to encourage healthy bulb growth for next year’s flowers. Add compost as you turn over the garden to enrich the soil for continuous blooms all season.

Edge your flower garden and walkway edges and add mulch to prevent seeding of weeds and invasive species like garlic mustard and black swallowwort. Overseed your lawn to fill in bare spots and discourage growth of weeds and crabgrass. Add some fertilizer, and voila!

As you plan your patio pots, raised gardens and flower beds, consider a pre-order for the Hull Garden Club’s Annual Plant Sale. You’ll save 10% on a variety of geraniums, sweet potato vines, and patio pots. There will be loads of tomato plants, perennials and your favorite annuals to choose from on May 18 at the town sign on George Washington Boulevard. You can find the pre-order form on HGC Facebook page.

Arbor Day is April 26 and is a day to plant new trees and to recognize the importance of trees in our environment. Even if you aren’t planning on planting a tree anytime soon, trees are beneficial. According to the almanac, trees purify our air and water supplies. They provide habitat for pollinators and a variety of wildlife. They also provide building materials and remove carbon dioxide from our air, a powerful ally in battling climate change. Hug your favorite tree or hang a pretty birdfeeder for hours of continuous enjoyment. You’ll both feel good!

The Hull Nantasket Chamber of Commerce is teaming up and promoting the cleanup week. Together, we can make a difference and clean up all the corners of Hull.

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