Temporary public comment policy approved; vacant board of assessors’ seat filled
By Carol Britton Meyer
The Select Board took a final vote this week on its temporary public comment policy, unanimously approving allowing individuals to speak on virtually all agenda items during board meetings in most cases, effective immediately.
In a joint meeting, the Board of Assessors and Select Board voted unanimously to appoint Donna Sullivan to the Board of Assessors to fill a vacant seat with a term expiring May 20, 2024.
Sullivan worked in the Assessors’ office for 32 years before retiring from that position and has “a vast knowledge of [its workings],” she said before the vote. Both boards agreed wholeheartedly.
In other business at the meeting, the board approved Town Accountant Mike Buckley’s request for Fiscal 2023 year-end transfers from the town’s health insurance fund totaling $243,873 for the following purposes – Select Board (contractual payment to a long-term employee), $65,512; town counsel services related to resolving issues associated with the last town election, $24,959; town clerk, $5,200 to pay for expenses related to the second limited-hour town election; town buildings (Town Hall in particular), $80,077; overage for police department vehicle maintenance, $25,753; workers’ compensation (the town is self-insured, which could be revisited in the future, Buckley said in response to a question from a board member), $5,285; and town insurance for all town buildings, $37,087.
The board also approved George Boylen’s request to hold the annual St. Mary of the Assumption Festival on Sunday, Aug. 13, starting at 9:30 a.m. with a procession from A street Pier to the St. Mary of the Assumption Church (208 Samoset Ave.) for a Mass at 10 a.m., followed by the festival on church grounds.
“The Hull Police Department escorts the procession from the pier back to the church,” Police Chief John Dunn, who is also serving as acting town manager until Jennifer Constable assumes the permanent role, said. “It’s a very nice event.” A