Forum to solicit residents’ ideas for future Community Preservation Act projects
By Carol Britton Meyer
The Community Preservation Committee public forum on Monday, June 5, at 7 p.m. is an opportunity for citizens to suggest projects for the town to consider ahead of the next round of funding.
CPA funding comes from a 1.5% property tax surcharge approved by town meeting in 2016 and may only be used for open space/recreation, community housing, and historic preservation purposes.
The state provides a partial match for these funds, which pave the way for the realization of numerous projects that improve the quality of life for Hull residents that the town would otherwise not be able to afford.
Projects already funded with CPA money include efforts by the Hull Lifesaving Museum, Paragon Carousel, and Kenberma, L Street, and Hampton Circle playground improvements; L Street Field shade structures; North Nantasket beach signage; a Straits Pond walking path survey plan; Village Fire Station preservation; an emergency generator for McTighe Manor at 6 Atlantic House Court; restoration of historic town records; Fort Revere storyboards and signage; and a consultant to study waterfront access points around town, among others.
All are welcome to attend. The meeting will be held over the Zoom platform and details are posted on