The Hull Times

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Candidates: Be a part of next week’s edition and reach every home in Hull

Hull’s extended election gives candidates for office one more week to introduce themselves to voters through advertising and position statements.

With two hours of voting now scheduled for Tuesday, June 13, candidates are invited to place advertisements in our June 8 edition, which will contain The Hull Times Summer Guide and will be mailed to every household in town – great exposure that you can’t get anywhere else!

We also will accept position statements of no more than 500 words that will be published, free of charge, on a space-available basis. Clear photographs will also be accepted. Final copy deadline is Tuesday, June 6, at 5 p.m. Please note that no late statements will be printed.

Political ads should be factual and in good taste. We reserve the right to reject advertising that makes assertions that cannot be verified. All political advertising must be paid for in advance of publication. Contact our office as soon as possible to reserve space on a first-come, first-served basis.

For information about advertising, call 781-925-9266. Position statements may be emailed to

Hull’s polls will be open for a limited time, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., on Tuesday, June 13 to finalize the results of the May 15 annual town election.