The Hull Times

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Senior Week marks the end of school for Class of 2023

By Victoria Dolan

During the past week, Hull High School seniors have taken part in a multitude of fun activities to celebrate their last week of classes before they graduate.

Hull High brought in different activities throughout the week, such as an ice cream truck and a taco truck, to treat the seniors during their last week. Senior parents also hosted brunch and a barbecue, and a motivational speaker addressed the class.

As they finished up projects and studied for any final exams they may have to take next week in order to graduate, the seniors also followed spirit week themes to further celebrate their last week. From “Decision Day,” where students wore clothing displaying their post-high school plans, to wearing the outfits of the careers their younger selves imagined pursuing, students in the grade brought the energy for their last week through the themes.

After all, this time is “to celebrate the seniors,” explained senior advisor Elizabeth Stankiewicz, who helped plan many of the events. “It’s an exciting time for them, and a time to say goodbye as a school.”

The seniors’ last day was a busy one – they took a lap inside the school and ate breakfast from Shipwreck’d, and ended the day with a rally in the gym counting down until the end of their shortened school day. As they ran out, the juniors donned their new senior shirts and ran from the junior bleachers to the senior bleachers to mark the transition.

“It’s a tradition we’ve done since I’ve been here,” said Stankiewicz, who thinks “it’s a fun way for them [the seniors] to be dismissed.”

And though their classes may be over, the seniors still have more to look forward to. While they may not be so excited about their final exams week next week, they will also attend prom next Thursday. Then, after they graduate on June 3, they will bring back “grad night” and stay overnight in the school until the next morning.

“I hope they enjoy the last few events that they have together as a class, having fun with each other,” said Stankiewicz.

Victoria Dolan is The Hull Times school correspondent. This column reflects her student viewpoint. For questions or comments, please contact