Term limits, HRA rezoning, expanded marijuana sales up for debate at town meeting
By Carol Britton Meyer
The select board this week signed the annual town meeting warrant, comprised of 26 warrant articles ranging from Community Preservation Act funding requests for a new Hampton Circle Playground and redevelopment of the L Street Playground and tennis courts to asking voters to allow Accessory Dwelling Units under certain circumstances. Another proposal would allow the existing medical marijuana dispensary to add retail sales.
The meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 1, at Hull High School, starting at 7 p.m.
Other articles relate to designating specific Hull Redevelopment Authority parcels as a “public open space district” and delaying decisions on development of the various HRA parcels until an independent study is performed that shows the impacts further development would have on the town’s current resources.
Articles submitted to the warrant by citizens petition include requests to establish a citizen committee to interview the finalist for the town manager position, to term limits for all elected town boards, and to allow the Oscar Smith Mitchell American Legion Post 140 to hold its meetings at the Anne M. Scully Senior Center.
A standing item will appear on the select board’s agenda starting in April to provide an opportunity for board members to review and discuss the warrant articles and to take a position on any or all of them.
The advisory board also is reviewing the articles; meeting dates and agenda are posted on town.hull.ma.us.