The Hull Times

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With three seats on ballot, election could reshape Select Board majority

Voters have the chance to make significant changes to Hull’s political landscape this election season, with a majority of the select board up for grabs, as well as significant numbers of seats on the planning board and the board of library trustees.

A total of 19 positions will be on the May 15 ballot. Nomination papers became available this week from the town clerk’s office, and must be returned with the signatures of at least 50 registered voters by March 27 in order for the candidate to qualify for inclusion on the ballot.

Typically, a maximum of two positions on the select board are available in a single election cycle, but last week’s resignation of Chair Jennifer Constable has added a third seat into the mix. Constable’s unexpired two-year term will be on the ballot, as well as the three-year seats currently held by Donna Pursel and Domenico Sestito.

Pursel told the Times she is planning to run again; former planning board member Jason McCann announced this week that he is in the race for one of the three-year terms.

School committee Chair Stephanie Peters announced Wednesday that she is stepping off the board after 17 years; her colleague Ernest Minelli IV will stand for re-election.

On the planning board, the five-year terms of Joseph Duffy and Harry Hibbard are available, as well as the two-year term of Jim Pitrolo, who was appointed to fill a vacancy.

Similarly, Max Walder, who was appointed to the Hull Redevelopment Authority this past year, will need to run again to retain his three-year term; incumbent Henry Dunn’s five-year term expires this spring.

Others on the May ballot are the three-year terms of library trustees Celia Nolan and Gail Saitow, plus a two-year term and a one-year term on that board; a five-year term on the Hull Housing Authority now held by Jim Richman; Pamela Sinton-Coffman and Mario Peter Grieco’s three-year terms on the board of assessors, and the three-year terms of light commissioners Patrick Cannon and Jake Vaillancourt.

Candidates may obtain nomination papers from Town Clerk Lori West at town hall between 7:45 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Anyone with questions may call the office at 781-925-2000.

-- Christopher Haraden

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