Residents invited to ‘Take a Stand in the Sand’ on the beach this Sunday morning
The Hull No Place For Hate Committee is ready for local residents to Take a Stand in the Sand on Sunday, Oct. 16, between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Mary Jeannette Murray Bathhouse. Participants will line up in formation on Nantasket Beach to spell “Hull For All,” which will be photographed by overhead drones to show the strength and symbolism of the community’s spirit.
Parking is free in the state Department of Conservation and Recreation lots along Nantasket Beach. Parking may be limited in the lot between the bathhouse and the Bernie King Pavilion.
Participants will first encounter the registration table at the Mary Jeanette Murray Bathhouse, with balloons spelling out “Hull For All,” and can go to the letter of which they would like to be a part. Organizers may ask people to switch if slots in some letters become full.
After registering, those participating will follow the balloons to the layout of the letters on the beach. Those who are not interested in standing on the beach can rally around the balloon message on the boardwalk.
Participants, including teams, can RSVP for the event at Updates also are available at the No Place for Hate’s social media accounts.