The Hull Times

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No damage reported after student lights small fire in Jacobs classroom

Hull police and school officials are investigating after a Jacobs Elementary School student allegedly lit a small fire in a classroom Tuesday afternoon.
Principal Christine Cappadona and Hull School Resource Officer Leanne Marshalsea were informed that, around 2 p.m., a fifth grade student had used a box of matches to light a stack of tissues on fire in the corner of one the school's technology classrooms.
Between periods, the student allegedly entered an empty classroom. When he was determined to be missing, a teacher went to investigate and saw the student exiting the classroom. Moments later, another teacher went into the classroom and discovered the fire. The teacher was able to grab the stack of tissues and put the fire out in the classroom sink.
The fire was very small and was contained to just the stack of tissues, according to a joint press statement issued by schools Superintendent Michael Devine and Police Chief John Dunn.
Because the blaze was so small, the fire alarms did not sound and school maintenance staff were able to quickly vent and clean the classroom.
Administrators retrieved the matches from the student, who has been removed from the school on an emergency basis. The Hull Police Department is investigating, but because of the student's age, criminal charges are not possible. Police are advising and offering resources to the school district.
No one was injured, and there was no damage to the building or any school materials.
"I want to commend teachers and staff at the Jacobs Elementary School for their swift actions that led to a quick resolution without injury or damage to school property," the superintendent said.