The Hull Times

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Times issues election policy

The Hull Times will print free announcements of candidacy through our April 21 edition. Final copy deadline is Monday, April 18 at 5 p.m. Please note that no late announcements will be printed.

Announcements should be typed, double spaced, and no more than 500 words. Clear photographs will also be accepted.

We will accept press releases about campaign issues, but not fundraisers. These are the stuff of paid advertisements. Press releases may be published, space available, right up until the May election. We reserve the right to edit or reject any submissions.

During the campaign, the Times may solicit candidates’ views on the issues. Priority will be given to these responses.

Letters to the editor will not be accepted from candidates, and letters supporting or attacking candidates for office will also be rejected. All material published in our May 5 edition – the week before the election – will be subject to close scrutiny because of the lack of opponents’ response time.

Candidates should note that these deadlines may be adjusted if the state Senate election and Hull’s town election are scheduled to coincide on the same day. That would make the May town election May 10 instead of the 16th.

Political ads should be factual and in good taste. We reserve the right to reject advertising that makes assertions that cannot be verified. By state law, all political advertising must be paid for in advance of publication.

For information about advertising, call Roger Jackson at 781 925-9266, or stop by our office at 412 Nantasket Ave.

Press releases and announcements may be delivered to our office, where there is a 24-hour mailbox available, left in our drop box at Nantasket Pharmacy during regular business hours, mailed to 412 Nantasket Ave., faxed to 781 925-0336, or e-mailed to

Deadline is Tuesday at 5 p.m. each week.